Best online Game Invoker is a unique hero in that he has 15 spells at his disposal. You are known by many names. Carl, Arsenal Magus, Dark Magus, Prince Kael (WC3) and so on. He is arguably the most powerful hero in the game as long as the players mind is strong. As he says “my mind is my arcanery”. Invoker is the hardest hero in the game to play well. Learning Invoker is not like playing a normal hero, it takes a lot of time to master and even then, you will never truly be a master as you will ALWAYS be learning. The first step to mastering Invoker is casting aside arrogance and a sense of worth and accepting humility and mindfulness. You are not Miracle, IceIceIce, Dendi, W33 or Sumiya and even these players make mistakes. Imagine you are a humble student of magic learning from the Arsenal Magus (Invoker) as you play. My point is a good mentality is the fundamental building block for playing Invoker well.
Pros and Cons
. Most powerful hero in the game
. High damage output (this will depend on your spell potency)
. Most versatile hero in the game
. Difficult to counter pick
. Decent stat gains on level up
. Orbs and spells scale very well upon level up
. A spell for EVERY situation (I mean it…)
. You start with invoke as of Patch 6.86 to 7.09 present
. +4 int gain means your mana pool and right click scales very well per level
. One of the best disablers in the game
. High Magic resistance
. Can sustain himself very well in lane
. Can semi-carry or even carry
. Seriously fast movement speed later on (dependent on Wex lvl and instances invoked)
. Very good HP regen (Dependent on Quas lvl and instances invoked)
. Global presence with Sunstrike
. decent base regen now. 1.2 mana per second
. Agahnim Scepter upgrade is very good. It increases your Quas, Wex, Exort by one additional level increasing the potency of your spells. It also gives you stats, increased hp and mana pool and reduces cost of invoke to 0 with a 3 sec cd.
. Orbs cannot be dispelled by anything
. Has an insane debuff spell in tornado and one of the best counter initiation and teamfighting control abilities in the game
. 9 to 7 sec cd on tornado at lvl 25 with octarine core
. Has one of the best stuns in the game with cold snap (1000 range op)
. Decent strength gain for an intelligence hero and a not so squishy HP pool
. Can slow enemy heroes very well (ice wall, ghost walk)
. With the correct combo, can one-shot almost every hero in the game
. Naturally a very good team player due to his versatility
. FINALLY some good talents
. You can now have triple cataclysm with 2 refresher shards. Yeah you get cataclysm now ^^
. AOE disable with deafening blast
. Very hard to play well
. Generally hard to play, hero is skill dependent on player
. needs a good constant supply of xp and gold so you must play either mid or safe lane
. You will most likely need to buy up to 4 clarities to regen your mana if you have been Sunstriking. Sunstrike costs 175 mana which is devastating on invokers mana pool
. 0.5 cast time delay (THIS IS CRUCIAL!) Invoker can no longer instantly cast his spells making him vulnerable during invoking and casting
. Average armor
. Average laner due to nerfs in recent years
. Forge spirit has been nerfed a lot hurting his laning phase (damage has been reduced, you no longer start with 2 at lvl 8 with 4 Quas and 4 Exort, Magic resistance has been removed and Armor has been reduced)
. Spells are weak in the early game
. High mana cost for spells (mana conservation and spell potency are crucial)
. Slow movement speed in the early game (280)
. Although Invoke now has a 6 sec cd its mana cost is subtly high (60 mana). This makes getting aga sceptre on Invoker very important.
. Extremely vulnerable in the laning phase (usually if supports are ganking you need a support of your own to babysit you)
. VERY XP and somewhat Gold dependent. Invoker NEEDS levels to increase the potency of his spells
. Needs time and space in the laning phase to get online and in most situations, a babysitter
. Ghost Walk is not a reliable escape if enemy has dust
. Lacks a shield spell of any sort to reduce damage (this is perhaps the only type of spell he lacks since they removed 27 spell invoker years ago)
. Rubick the Grand Magus, can steal his spells… -.-
. Spell Potency is reduced if he is stunned or slowed making him somewhat reliant on BKB in certain games
. Suffered from LOTS OF NERFS (see below they also count as cons and the patch notes for more)
. Tornado is useless at lvl 1 Wex, most spells with their associated orbs at lvl 1 are generally very weak
. Tornado no longer grants the 600 AOE vision on its pathway as it used to
. Alacrity has been nerfed 45 mana cost to 60 sec and cd increased from 15 to 17 sec. As of patch 6.86 onwards the damage in certain orb instances has also been reduced (6.86C to 7.03, 7.06)
. EMP no longer has pure damage (7.00)
. Cold Snap has been nerfed. Initial debuff is now dispellable (6.87)
. Orbs no longer grants additional attribute bonus (7.00)
. Invoker no longer benefits from the attribute bonus at lvl 25 (7.00)
. Base intelligence has been reduced from 22 to 16 (6.87)
. Base agility has been reduced from 20 to 14 (6.86d)
. Average Farming